7 Methods for Managing Your Anxiety

Disclaimer: The recommendations in this article should not be used in place of clinical and professional help. Anxiety disorder is best treated by board certified, medical professionals. Please take care of yourself because your health is so important.

According to a 2020 study done by the American Psychological Association, “We are facing a national mental health crisis that could yield serious health and social consequences for years to come.”

For the full Stress in America 2020 report by American Psychological Association, click.

The cartoons and memes about various anxiety personas meeting in our heads are pointing to an urgent issue people all over the world are facing. Our anxieties are crowding our minds. These seven methods will not make anxiousness and worry go away, but help you to practice healthy management.

Start at the beginning and state the stressor. Name it to claim it so you can manage it. Crisis is present in all minds, now we need to bring it out from our hearts and to our lips. Do not let these fears take root and choke us.

There is no healthy way to look past anxiety or the issues facing our world. The physical side effects of anxiety hurt, cripple, and wear our bodies down. Naming the source that threatens our wellbeing gives us power and authority to manage it.

Method number two is learning to be okay that the anxiety is not going away. This method takes daily practice, some days it comes easier than others. We are fortunate to live in an age of modern medicine that erases so many of our problems we believe the same of anxiety. This spectrum acts more like a condition that flares up from time to time.

To help with acceptance comes method number three, being conscious and cautious of your commitments. I have a personal issue of piling on more things to my to do list when stressed. It is a coping mechanism to try and regain control, distract myself from the feelings, and award myself with easy accomplishments. A longer to do list never does any of those things for me. Instead it sends me to the brink of mental exhaustion.

Each time I am overwhelmed I must actively limit the to dos. The steps for this are to take a quick inventory, be very honest about what needs to be accomplished, and accept what is a save for later. I can promise that you will be more productive doing less because your focus, commitment, and follow through will be restored.

The fourth method is the least risky one to cross off your commitments list, strike out social media. People interact with social media for different purposes, but everyone uses Facebook and Instagram to zone out. Anxiety and scrolling stroll hand in hand. Limit that outlet so you can better manage your stress which requires mental sharpness.

Remaining calm and collected takes work. The fifth method in management is to use tools that work. Always be open to trying new things, but in the heat of the moment when your pulse goes up and you start to feel the squeeze, rely on what works to stay present and calm.

If someone’s practices don’t work for you, pish we have enough to think about, toss it out. Journaling, breathing, and praying work for me. Routines, quiet time, and essential oils do not. Everyone is different and anxiety is classified as a spectrum disorder in part due to all the ways it manifests.

We learn what works by method six, when the panic has passed, evaluate your progress over time. Anxiety affects our bodies, (head, blood pressure, gut, muscles, etc.). By monitoring our physical symptoms we can keep track of our improving or declining health. Listen to your body after a period of anxiety and record it. Memories are useful, but written evidence will help you better manage your progress.

The final method for long term anxiety management is to build your team. Recruit an intimate team of helpful, honest, encouraging people. Always consider adding a professional too. These folks are not cheerleaders alone. And most important, is they are not for enabling old ways. Anxiety disorder is good at collateral damage. When we are weakest, it is hard to find our healthiest selves. A good team will help you remember, rebuild, and rebound.

Accepting anxious moments are around every corner is a difficult first step. With practiced management we can know a stronger life. Consider implementing these seven methods for balanced living during a pandemic, an election, financial uncertainty, racial tensions, disruptions in routine, heartache, and all the worries 2020 might bring. Scroll down for some comforting items I use to reward fearless living.