The Leading Lady: A Guest Interview with Romance Novelist and Pin Up Model Cassie Leigh

Movie stars have method acting. Salesmen and marketers role play. And writers, how do they get into the mood to form a character? Cassie Leigh, romance author of the “Ink & Brazen Women” series and other books, has an out of the box hobby that energizes her creative side for writing flirty plots. Leigh is a pinup model and competes in pinup shows around the Midwest. Her character, Minnie Maneater, works hard to break the spell of writer’s block while Leigh could not be having more fun with her alter ego.

A gal who has always known what she loved and settled for nothing less, even as those passions evolve. If there is one lesson we can learn from her incredible and colorful career thus far, it is that the most inspiring leading ladies and gentlemen are yourself. A lead character, in their own adaptation, learns to express themselves through their creations and they are not afraid to try out many looks to find what suits them best. The most influential main characters are good self-encouragers, always building up to their greatest moments on the stage of life.

Leigh shares from her own bag of tricks for getting out of our own head and creating fun, beautiful, connective stories for all to enjoy. And while she tells a few writing experiences, keep scrolling to visualize her wonderful picture narratives too.

Be inspired by this leading lady and do not flat line your story arc. Inject passion, chances, and moments of expression into the plot of your grand story.

An excerpt from Skin Deep.

“Are you one of those girls that only drinks the cutesy fruit drinks? Not that there’s anything wrong with it…” She bristled at the laughter in his tone.

Grabbing his hand, she crossed the street, and then turned at the corner and crossed again, cutting into a small parking lot.

“This is me,” she said gesturing at the building they approached.

Her two-story building reminded her of an Americanized version of a European villa, complete with fake balconies across the second floor windows and stucco exterior. The first floor contained storefronts and off to the side a green arched door served as the tenant entrance.

“Those cutesy ones are sneaky.” Gigi leaned against the doorframe and looked up into his eyes. “The sugar hides the hardness beneath until it’s too late and you’re already drunk.”

Roman braced one hand over Gigi’s head and leaned in towards her, his voice an intimate whisper. “Does that describe you too? Are you sweet to hide the hardness under the surface?”

His lips were so close. She licked hers and his eyes seemed to focus on her small movement. How was she supposed to not kiss him? That hooded look and his scent made him a magnetic force drawing out that needy part of her. He wasn’t her boss yet. Would one kiss be so damning? It wouldn’t qualify for the book she’d promised Ann to keep him out of. But then, she rarely stopped with just a kiss.

His golden eyes were searching, asking for permission. A fucking gentleman. Somehow, that made him sexier.

“Taste me and find out.”

His eyes widened with her whispered dare. For a second she thought he would back off. Her need flared brighter with that banked amber fire in his eyes.

Roman leaned in, his lips brushing hers, testing. His eyes never left hers. It amped her need up another notch. That teasing touch made her throb. That he watched it all added to the lure. She liked to lead but this slow seduction had her enthralled and her panties ruined.

“Goodnight, Gigi.” The whisper was a purr against her lips.

She blinked in surprise. That was it? The hottest moment she’d felt in months and he just stopped? The confusion must have shown on her face because he smiled. Not a cocky grin, but a promise. Oh shit—what did that mean? He pushed off the doorframe and stepped back. Tomorrow he would be against the rules. She wanted him now.

“Roman—wait.” She reached out, laying her hand against his chest.

His heart raced beneath her hand making her breath catch. He felt it too.

“You’re right, sweet hits you harder than you expect.” His smile was soft but he turned away, calling back over his shoulder, “See you tomorrow.”

MK: What caused you to fall in love with the romance genre?

CL: At first I did not realize that I was in love with Romance. It snuck up on me. My favorite books for a long time were Jane Erye by Charlotte Bronte and Persuasion by Jane Austin. But when I was reading them, I never heard anyone call them romance. They were classics. Then as I got into reading Urban Fantasy and Science Fiction, I was always most interested in the romance subplots. Imagine seeing Bram Stoker’s Dracula featuring Keanu Reeves and Wynona Ryder, being drawn in by the love story between the Count and Mina…”I’ve crossed oceans of time to find you…” (swoon), then reading the classic book, only to discover that it was not a love story. It’s the only time that I ever loved the movie more than the book.

MK: Who is an expert at writing in this genre and why does their style or format resonate with you as a reader and writer?

CL: Shelly Laurenston taught me that romance can be funny, wild, and unexpected. From her, I learned that I could push the edge of what’s expected and include things that I love in unexpected ways. I know when I read a Laurenston novel I am going to laugh out loud and be entertained. So when I write, if I want a character to be an MMA fighter or a beauty queen or an animal shifter I will do it and make it as much fun as I can.

MK: Are there any themes that you keep returning to in your stories? How has your understanding of that topic evolved from your first book to now?

CL: One consistent theme in my books is that while the hero may have helped save her, the heroine usually saves herself. I think in a way my books are a little feminist and more recently my characters initially are not likable. Gigi Duval, in my first contemporary romance Skin Deep, does not do relationships. She prefers hookups and friends with benefits situations. I was playing the double standard of women treating sex like men are allowed to—casual and with no strings. I like to do things like that with my characters.

MK: When readers comment on how much they loved your story and how they wish that man or woman character did exist in real life, what do you say to them?

CL: I say “thank you”! I want to create characters that are someone you could actually know. A person you could relate to and would want to hang out with on a girls night. If they wish that person was real, then I did my job.

I would also say, look at the wonderful people around you. I bet you do know a Gigi, or a Noelle. They just have different names and no supernatural abilities. People don’t come right out and say they do the things they do behind closed doors…but they are interesting and worthwhile. You just don’t know it, yet. 

MK: Share a little bit about how and why you pair pin up photography and modeling with writing romance. Why did you decide to couple these two endeavors in your recent career?

CL: Art is the thing that drives me as a person. I love that I could make writing a part of my career path and hope that someday I can do it full time. However, that left me feeling like I needed another creative expression just for me. That’s when I found pinup and met the wonderful ladies of Focal Points Pinup Photography. I get to be living art…either performance art on stage for the pageant or modeling for pinup photography which has a long history as an art form. There is so much that goes into each step of the process that rejuvenates my artistic soul for the next round of writing.

This last year of my life has taken a lot out of me and pinup gave it back. I also live pinup. If you run into me at the store, I am probably dressed like a pinup girl. That’s my normal. So just like I started putting MMA in my books because I am a super fan of the UFC, I plan to incorporate more pinup into my books.

MK: Tell us about one career memory that changed your perspective on what you were capable of accomplishing which you think back on each time you publish another novel or advance in another round at a pin up competition or celebrate a win with your family.

CL: There have been so many big moments, but when I doubt myself I look back on my time doing the Avon FanLit writing contest. Week after week, I finished in the top 10. I did not win but traditionally published editors were reading my work and liked it. One of the editors even emailed me and said they talked about me every round. I think back on that and it reminds me that I do have talent. A lot of writers suffer imposters syndrome where they don’t feel good enough. That memory helps me though those doubts.

MK: Thank you so much Cassie for sharing your fun pictures and wonderful stories with us. We cannot wait to find out what Minnie Maneater and Cassie Leigh do next.

To find more about Cassie and to purchase one of her novels, start clicking through the links below. Cassie also sent along some of her personal favorites and encourages everyone to fall in love with Romance this February. Her new release Love Bites, the beginning of a four part series, will be out soon.

CASSIE LEIGH specializes in all things paranormal and contemporary romance but holds a special place in her heart for a misunderstood monster. She has been dreaming up stories since before she could write, evolving from her Fischer Price tape recorder to her trusty iPad. Cassie is always chasing a new interest and brings that curiosity to her writing. If she isn’t writing, you can find her hanging out with her kids, watching a UFC super fight, swing dancing, or competing in Pinup Pageants as her alter ego Minnie Maneater, all of which make a cameos in her stories.

Want more? You can connect with Cassie Leigh online.

Bram Stoker's Dracula
Starring Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder, Anthony Hopkins, Keanu Reeves, Tom Waits
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